Welcome to Jack Vessa's Portfolio

Projects / Open Source


Galvanize Groups


How can instructors use data to group students?

This Web Application Clusters, Pairs, and Groups Galvanize DSI students.

Tools/Tech: Python, Scikit-Learn, KMeans Clustering, Flask, AWS Elastic Beanstalk


Charity Recommender


Want to find your next great cause?

This project connects people to amazing charities in their communities.

Tools/Tech: Python, Gensim LDA, Flask Web Framework, AWS Elastic Beanstalk, Tableau Visualizations


Genius Groups

How can educators use data to group students?

Genius Groups is a Web Appplication Built to help teachers Group and Clusters Students. Syncs with CANVAS CSV Files for instant grouping based on assessment data.

Tools/Tech: Python, AWS EC2, Flask, KMeans Clustering, Cost Function

Case Studies

Fraud Detection Case Study

Fraud Detection Case Study

Can we stop fraudsters using data?

Given previous data about fraudulent events, let's build a model to identify future fraudsters.

Tools: AWS EC2 & S3, Flask, MongoDB, Logistic Regression

Churn Case Study

Movie Recommender

How can we effectively recommend movies?

How do we solve the cold start problem?

Let's use collaborative filtering to answer these questions and make an effective recommender.

Tools: Matrix Factorization


Rideshare Churn Prediction

Can we predict if a user will churn (leave our app) based on interactions with our platform?

Let's build a model to understand key metrics that indicate a user will churn.

Tools: Gradient Boosting

About Me

Data Scientist and former Teach for America educator with a passion for using data to solve complex problems, educate others, and improve people's lives.

Galvanize Cohort 98

Galvanize g98

Vanderbilt Graduation

Vanderbilt Graduation

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu

Contact Me



+1 516-510-2821

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